Final Presentation

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union Address

Obama is such an inspirational speaker. He has the ability to turn around a harsh and seemingly impossible situation and make it into something positive, an obstacle that we are able to overcome. It was also interesting for me to see how congress reacted to each point he made. For almost every issue he brought up, half of the room would stand up and cheer while the other half would be sitting, looking displeased. It was funny how he addressed that in his speech when he talked about the two political sides not always coming to an agreement. He said that he is not naive and knew that his election would not bring peace between the two parties. With that said, he talked about not making everything about those differences and how congress should be able to push aside those conflicts for the good of the country. Government should not be about competition and fighting for popularity among the people. Nothing gets done that way. When he proposed a bill for a commission to help with the health care plan, the senate voted against it. I liked how he took the initiative to say in front of everybody that he was not okay with this and was ordering congress to do what he asked. Like he said, popularity is not important to him. If being disliked by some people means getting the job done then so be it.

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