Final Presentation

Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Thoughts on Topic

My topic for the research project is Gays and Lesbians. This topic is interesting to me because its such a heated issue today and it affects everyone in the U.S. I did a research speech on adoption rights for gays and lesbians in eighth grade and I immediately was intrigued by this issue. During my research, I read many stories about the hardships people have to endure everyday just because of their sexuality. Nobody should have to feel discriminated against based on what's in their DNA.
It states in the Declaration of Independence and in our Constitution that everyone, no matter race, color or creed has equal rights. The constitution is blind to any social class or sexual orientation and therefore, shouldn't discriminate based on anything other than whether you live in the United States and whether you follow the law. When I first read about this topic on Monday, I saw that this issue wasn't really brought up in courts until the 70s and 80s. This really surprised me because it shows how invisible people must have felt not being able to express who they really are for so long. The issue was not only brought up, but people also had to fight extremely hard for equal rights. This shows how close-minded our society is. We refused to even acknowledge that Homosexuals were part of our society and when they finally came out, we tried to ignore them. This is just so disturbing to me and that is why I want to learn more about this topic.

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