Final Presentation

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Current Events Analytical Essay

At the AMA’s in November, Adam Lambert gave a very graphic performance, including him kissing one of the dancers and simulating oral sex on stage. This occurrence immediately became a very heated topic and created a lot of controversy. His invitation to sing on “Good Morning America” was rescinded. According to him, his performance was no more vulgar than what female artists do all the time in their performances. For example, Lady Gaga, at the AMA’s threw beer bottles on stage and Britney spears wears revealing outfits in all of her performances. Most of their actions on stage go unacknowledged and unpunished. The reason Adam Lambert’s performance brought up so much controversy was that it was a representation of homosexuality and that was offensive to many people. For those who spoke out against his performance, their argument was that there were children watching and it was too inappropriate. This seems a little hypocritical because if they were really worried about what their kids were watching on T.V., they wouldn’t let them watch at all. This event stood out to me because it seemed that this was a double standard not only for men and women but also for gay people and straight people. Lambert’s actions were open and very sexual but not any more than what most women do on stage. This was one example of the gay and lesbian movement breaking the silence. Before the 1960s, gay rights were not protected under the constitution. After much hard work and a very long struggle, most of their rights are protected but what about in pop culture? Why is it not okay for gays and lesbians to be open on television? This shows how much improvement our society needs to make in handling this issue.
Another issue that is being brought up today is the question of whether or not schools should be teaching students about homosexuality in health class. There are many benefits to having kids learn about gays and lesbians in schools. First of all, those children who are homosexual might feel less isolated and insecure about who they are because they learn that it is not wrong to like someone of the same sex. Another benefit of teaching about homosexuality is that there would be a huge decrease in ridicule and hate crimes against homosexuals in high school and middle school. Children would be more open-minded about the issue and more tolerant of people who are different. The opposing idea is that if parents believe homosexuality is morally wrong and sinful, they would be undermined by the school system and it could get confusing for kids who are hearing opposite views on the same topic. This argument is based on an idea that schools will be teaching kids that homosexuality is right and should be tolerated in society. What the teachers would actually be doing is giving kids the facts about gays and lesbians that it is not a choice; it is just sexual preference and doesn’t define a person. Children don’t deserve to be manipulated even if it is by their parents. The schools have a responsibility to give kids all the facts so they can form their own, educated opinions.


  1. Really good but just remember not to talk in first person you did it once or twice no big deal. Also very good with the informing part it was very easy to follow. Except the begining maybe give an intro that you are talking about gay/lesbians because at first I thought you were talking about theater...

  2. This was a very interesting discussion upon Adam Lambert, and I really enjoyed reading it. I would suggest to not start off right away with Adam Lambert, because it transitions into a slightly different part of your topic. Perhaps you could have an introduction generally about the current problem of gays and lesbians, then transition to Adam Lambert.
